Monday 20 October 2014

Harvest Monday: October 20, 2014

Arugula!  I can't recall when I planted this ... either late August or early September.  Very nice to have a fall planting of some fresh greens.

And it's nice to still have something to contribute to Daphne's Dandelions Harvest Monday collection!  I look forward to seeing what the more southerly gardeners are showing off this week.

In addition to the arugula, I have more kale - the stalks of the russian kale is getting tough but the leaves are just fine.  The tuscan black kale is still quite tender.

While cleaning up the gardens, I continue to find wayward potatoes (and this single Paris Market Atlas carrot) that I missed the first time around.  And these spring onions are getting nibbled too much so I decided to just pull them (almost nothing left of the greens on most of them).

And finally, some tarragon.  I noticed that most of two tarragon plants had either turned brown or the leaves had come right off.  So I salvaged what I could from the third plant and will dry it or freeze it (not sure the best way to save tarragon) as I have no use for it right now.


  1. That arugula looks so nice - I'm basically done with salad greens and wish I had gotten around to a fall planting so that I could continue to enjoy them for a bit more. And finding those gorgeous potatoes unexpectedly must have really made your day! BTW love the colour on the spring onions - what variety are they?

    1. Those are Red Baron bunching onions ... there is a green layer between the red "skin" and the white bulb. They look really neat sliced up! And my early batch was left a while before harvesting and they grew quite large so very productive.

  2. Gee, what nibbles on onions? Never had that problem. The greens look nice and found veggies are always welcome. Not an expert on herb preservation but you could infuse some of the tarragon and make a tarragon vinegar, one of my favorites.

    1. Hmm, you are right that onions don't normally get nibbled but I can't think what else would have done that. It certainly wasn't hot enough to burn the tops ...

  3. Looking very good! I'm Jealous of those greens, most of our fall crops are a flop this year because of a huge aphid invasion!

  4. Lovely kale. And I can't believe things are nibbling on your onions. People make sprays of onions and garlic to keep things from nibbling. Though one year I did have cutworms take my onions down. I guess they were desperate that year.

  5. Your greens and tarragon looks amazing. Arugula excellent for the palate. Look at the color on those onions! Wow you are growing tri-color potatoes YUM!

    1. Thanks! On the potatoes, I've been growing the blue potatoes alongside regular red and white for years - they are very productive! These are Russian Blue.

  6. Wow, nice purple potatoes! And great to have lots of greens. Getting anything at this time of year is a real achievement!
