Monday 12 January 2015

Harvest Monday: January 12, 2015: Borlotti Beans with Garlic, Thyme and Tomatoes

Most definitely no harvests any time in the near future - a few months at least!  So for Harvest Monday, I'm just sharing what I did with some of my harvests.

I cooked borlotti beans with thyme and garlic (all fresh from my garden this year) along with some stewed tomatoes.  I think I'll increase the number of borlotti bean plants next year - they are one of my favourite beans.with such a creamy texture when cooked.  Easy to grow (bush bean although they can get pretty tall) and so delicious!

The stewed tomatoes and onions were actually canned in 2013 - if canned properly, they can last a long time but I always give a good sniff before using them (just in case).  I also have one jar each left of "nuttin' but tomatoes" and Red Wine and Herb tomato sauce in the cold room. 


  1. Those beans do look delicious! So you mention that these are tall bush beans - how tall do they grow; do they need support?

    1. I don't use any support - they do get about 2 feet tall and flop over a bit but don't seem to tangle with each other much.

  2. Borlotti beans are a favorite around here too. I grow a pole variety.

    1. Hmm, I didn't know there were pole and bush varieties - maybe mine are also a pole variety but they don't get tall / long enough to need much support. Or I'm just doing something weird, but it seems to work for me. :)
