Monday 28 December 2015

Harvest Monday: December 28, 2015

I can't believe I'm posting an actual harvest (small as it is)!  Some snow finally came down yesterday and more on the way tonight so I am very happy to get this last harvest of the year following the warmer than seasonal weather we've been having.

But I would like to make a point to my fellow Ottawans (um, I think that's what people from Ottawa are called??) who insist that it is not a "Canadian" Christmas unless it's a white Christmas.  How about the millions of Canadians living in Southern BC who rarely experience a white Christmas?!  I lived in the Vancouver area for 3 decades and experienced, at most, 2 Christmases where there was any snow on the ground.  I'm quite satisfied with a green Christmas now and then and still feel perfectly Canadian!

So on to the mini harvest ... a bit of arugula and some radish were pulled from the garden on Saturday before the several hours of freeing rain covered everything later that night.

And the beans were harvested quite a while back but were finally removed from their pods while I was cleaning up the gardening baskets that seem to be all over the place.  They include more of both scarlet runner beans and Tarbais.  I still have the original harvests of these beans remaining although the black bean harvest was used long ago.

I have already received 4 seed catalogues in the mail so lots of fun reading and planning for next season coming up.  I'll pop on over to Our Happy Acres to see what others are harvesting, or doing with their harvests, this week!  Check it out.


  1. We had a green Christmas here too, which is not unusual for us. I can't recall that many white ones here either. Too bad about the freezing rain though. That is something I never enjoy!

    1. Yes, freezing rain is horrible - something I could do without for sure.

  2. I had to laugh about the garden baskets, they're scattered all over the place here too, perpetually! A white Christmas here means admiring it on the highest peaks from a distance, on the rare occasions when it falls at this elevation it doesn't stick. And the local peaks did get a dusting this weekend. We've not had unseasonably warm weather here.

    1. Oh my, the baskets are everywhere!! As for our unseasonably warm weather, I think the seasons are slowly shifting - as Margaret pointed out, last December had a similar warm streak for us in Ontario. It's just very challenging to plan when it's inconsistent.

  3. Congrats on your late December harvest! I have some beans to shell as well, but I'll only be using them for seed and they are the tiniest things I've ever seen - quite the pain to shell - so they have been sitting in a bowl waiting for me to stop procrastinating.

    We spent the day in Toronto yesterday and ended up getting caught in a storm on our way home. Unfortunately, we left quite early in the day and I didn't have the forethought to harvest what was left in the garden, so now I'm hoping that the kohlrabi and mizuna surprise me (once again!) and pull through so that I can get at least one more small harvest before the new year.

    1. It was quite a dump of snow. Fingers crossed that you were able to get something after all that.
