Peas are a cold weather plant - meaning to say that they germinate well in cold or cool soil and grow well in cool temperatures. I've never grown peas before, and will be trying them in a container this year. I've researched various plastic containers for use in vegetable growing and there is much debate. The most common references I have seen are to avoid plastics 3, 6, and 7. All of the rubbermaid-type containers I have on hand are a 4. It's the same type of plastic used in bread bags, for frozen food, and for bags used in compost bins (at least according to this Good Housekeeping web page: The Daily Green). I certainly don't believe everything I read, but I am willing to take a chance. Besides, unless you've grown your own vegetables your whole life, it is likely that we have all been slowly absorbing cancer-causing agents through plastic wrap and plastic packaging (either during transportation or for display) at our local grocery stores (as well as microwave ovens, mobile phones and who knows what else)! So what the heck ...
Step 3: Then I add my pre-moistened soil mix. I haven't been gardening long enough to develop a particular mix of soil, but I do add in some peat moss to lighten the black earth that I have on hand. According to articles I've read, peat moss can be acidic, and since peas prefer a more alkaline soil, I've added less than I usually would. Then the peas are just popped into the soil near the surface, but covered with a sprinkling of soil.
I've put the container with peas near a trellis so the vines can climb. The variety is Sugar Ann Snap Peas.
I've placed the potato containers with the peas, just to keep them off the ground as the temperature is supposed to be at freezing again tonight. But at some point well before they are filled with soil, I will need to find a more permanent location as the weight will make the containers difficult to move.